Thursday, September 30, 2010

Salty, Sweet, Tangy, Creamy Goodness!!

This bacon wrap is one of my favorite appetizers. I’ve used it for years in my catering because it is so versatile and easy. I’m not really sure where I got the idea, but it encompasses every taste I would want into one small bite. Salty, sweet, tangy, creamy goodness! Mostly everyone who I offer it to has never had anything like it before and they always come back for seconds.

I always know when I have a winner recipe when other Chefs/cooks use them. I recently catered my friends birthday party with Jamie Spears (Brittany Spears’ dad) and he told me since the last time I cooked with him last summer he has made these Bacon Wrapped dates at all of his family gatherings and catering jobs and people just love them. So needless to say, it’s pretty cool to think that Brittany has tried and liked them. lol.

Much like raisins or dried Pineapple, a Date is the fruit of a “Date Palm tree” which has gone through a drying process and can be used for a number of purposes. I love snacking on them plain, just remember to take out the seed in the middle!

Sometimes with this recipe I leave the blue cheese out, but I’ll leave that up to your preference. I just like the contrast of all the different flavors going on, so let me know how you like it!!!


Bacon Wrapped Blue Cheese Dates


1 pound sliced bacon, cut in half

1 pound pitted dates

4 ounces blue cheese



Preheat the oven to 375 degrees

Slice dates in half, and open them up. Pinch off pieces of blue cheese, and place them into the center of the dates. Close the halves of the dates, and wrap a half-slice of bacon around the outside. Secure each one with a toothpick. Arrange in a baking dish or on a baking sheet with sides to catch any grease. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the bacon is crisp. Turn dates over after the first 20 minutes for even cooking.

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